Terms & Conditions


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Application of Terms and Conditions and the Agreement.

  3. Preliminaries & Order Confirmations

  4. Prices, Costs, Delivery & Returns

  5. Customer Responsibilities

  6. Invoicing and Payment

  7. Intellectual Property Rights

  8. Confidentiality / Press & Media

  9. Limitation of Liability

  10. Warranties and Indemnity

  11. Termination / Account Closure

  12. Notice

  13. Law / Jurisdiction / Dispute Resolution



Aylsham Candles is a UK partnership (Jonas & Katrina Hills t/a) trading and service address Candle-makers, 85 Cawston Road, Aylsham, Norfolk NR11 6ED (herein referred to as “Aylsham Candles”, “we”, “our”, “us” as the context allows, and including our partners and our staff, and authorized agents and representatives as the case may be). We aim to conduct business straightforwardly and with commitment to our customers. These terms and conditions (“the Agreement”) govern to the exclusion of any other purported agreement or document the supply by Aylsham Candles of good or services and in doing business with us as a customer and ordering any goods from us you will be subject to the Agreement. Additional or alternative written conditions referencing the Agreement may be required to cover the specific requirements of an order, particularly if a significant quantity or if a made-to-order element is present. Please ask for clarification or seek independent advice if you are uncertain about any aspect of the Agreement and please note that in the absence of signed and dated written confirmation from Aylsham Candles the Agreement will take precedence over any other purported agreement, terms or provisions, or other document (including any care recommendations or technical data) and that unless acknowledged by us clearly and unequivocally in writing, we do not accept any other purported standard terms and conditions of any other party. On no account will Aylsham Candles be subject to any terms and conditions of purchase of any party. Please note that, because our candles and some of our other products are hand made from natural materials, blemishes and marks may be present. These are not material to the use and enjoyment of the products, but a natural consequence of the materials, mold and manufacturing processes. They are not a basis for rejection or return.


Application of Terms and Conditions and the Agreement

The Agreement will apply to all goods and any services supplied by Aylsham Candles. Any party obtaining services from us is “the Customer” (including the Customer’s directors, employees, servants, agents, representatives, assignees and licensees, and also “you”, and “your”). In the event that any one or more of the terms of the Agreement is or are determined to be unenforceable the remaining terms shall continue to have full force and effect. No previous statement, representation, information, comment or remark in each and any case whether emanating from Aylsham Candles or other possible source of reliance by the Customer shall be of any effect or consequence unless expressly provided for and allowed by the Agreement. The Agreement applies to all Customers whether trade or consumer and to the exclusion of any other provision, save those that are of overriding effect as a matter of law, including any inalienable statutory consumer rights. The Agreement is subject to and deemed to include our prevailing [Privacy and Data Policy] and [Delivery and Rreturns Policy]


Preliminaries & Order Confirmations

We make, and supply hand made candles of high quality intended for use in the creation of atmospheric natural lighting in your chosen environment and we offer selected products complementary to our main candle product line. Since candles burn a natural flame it is important always to follow appropriate safety instructions and guidelines. The UK Fire Service candle safety advice is included with each delivery, as well as featuring within our [SAFETY NOTICE] page, and the advice also set out here:

Always put candles on a heat resistant surface. Be especially careful with night lights and tea lights, which get hot enough to melt plastic. TVs are not fire-resistant objects.

Put them in a proper holder. Candles need to be held firmly upright by the holder, so they won’t fall over. The holder needs to be stable too, so it won’t fall over either.

Position them away from curtains. Don’t put candles near curtains or other fabrics – or furniture. And keep them out of draughts.

Don’t put them under shelves. It’s easy to forget that there’s a lot of heat above a burning candle. If you put it under a shelf or other surface, then it can burn the surface. Make sure that there is at least three feet (one metre) between a candle and any surface above it.

Keep clothes and hair away. If there’s any chance you could lean across a candle and forget it’s there, put it somewhere else. You don’t want to set fire to your clothes or your hair.

Keep children and pets away. Candles should be out of reach of children and pets.

Keep candles apart. Leave at least four inches (10cm) between two burning candles.

Take care with votive or scented candles. These kinds of candles turn to liquid to release their fragrance, so put them in a glass or metal holder.

Don’t move them when they’re burning. Extinguish candles before moving them. Also, don’t let anything fall into the hot wax like match sticks.

Don’t leave them burning. Extinguish candles before you leave a room. Never go to sleep with a candle still burning. And never leave a burning candle or oil burner in a child’s bedroom.

Use a snuffer or a spoon to put them out. It’s safer than blowing them, which can send sparks and hot wax flying.

Double check they’re out. Candles that have been put out can go on smouldering, and start a fire. Make sure they’re completely out.

Subject to following the advice above and using common-sense, candles should be a rewarding addition to your chosen space. If you have a particular project or use in mind, we would be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you, subject to you always being solely responsible for your usage of our products.

An order from you will be effective subject to the Agreement once you pay for the goods on any outlet-based purchase or once you confirm your acceptance of the Agreement and make payment in any online purchase.

In certain cases, notably large orders, we may quote a price on enquiry, in which case that quotation and prospective order will remain valid for 30 days, after which the price may be increased in line with any market fluctuations and price changes made by us. See next section.


Prices, Costs, Delivery & Returns

Current pricing is as set out in our price list from time to time, which also covers delivery costs. Please see our [Delivery & Returns Policy] for information on delivery and returns, We reserve the right to vary any pricing from time to time within our discretion but any confirmed order will not be subject to any price change made before delivery.

All sums are exclusive of VAT, where applicable, at the prevailing rate and we are not liable for any other additional charges including those that may arise in the case of export at point of exit or entry. The Customer needs to investigate any possible additional charges before placing an order.

Our charges will be subject to VAT when applicable.


Customer Responsibilities

It is the Customer’s sole responsibility to satisfy itself, before usage, that the Customer’s chosen environment and application for the Customer’s intended use of our products is entirely safe and appropriate. Please refer to the safety guidelines set out above.

If other persons are involved in use of our products, the Customer should ensure that those persons are responsible adults fully familiar with the fire hazard risks and necessary safeguards and procedures.


Invoicing and Payment

We accept payment in cash at our location sales sites, or payment via the event organizer if that is the case, and by debit or credit card via PayPal in our online shop. Online transactions are in accordance with and subject to PayPal’s business client policies and its consumer protection requirements.

For large orders we may accept payment by direct bank transfer at the Customer’s cost (if costs apply).

We do not generally issue invoices, only order confirmations, but we will issue an invoice to a trade Customer on request. We do not generally offer credit terms but if we do, to trade customers only, invoices are payable on issue of invoice unless otherwise agreed with the Customer in which case the agreed alternative payment date shall apply. Invoices shall be paid without deduction or any claim of set-off. We may charge interest on overdue invoices in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Act 1998 allowing a charge of 8% per annum over the bank base rate or as otherwise provided by statute.

The Customer shall be responsible for all costs, charges and expenses incurred by Aylsham Candles in recovery of any debt owed by the Customer.

Payments made by the Customer shall be applied firstly against all costs, charges and expenses payable, secondly against all interest payable, and thirdly against invoices, oldest due date first. The Customer shall have no entitlement to specify the application of any payment.

It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure proper administration of its purchasing procedures and the absence of any process or element in these shall not negate the requirement to pay Aylsham Candle’s invoices or extend the time for payment.

We reserve the right not to supply or continue supply of products or services where the Customer is in default of invoice payment or the other terms of this Agreement.

All payments shall be in £ pounds Sterling and if by transfer direct made to Aylsham Candle’s specified bank account and the cost of transmission and/or currency conversion shall be at the sole expense of the Customer. Where fees and costs have been agreed in any currency other than £ pounds Sterling, payments shall be calculated by taking the closing spot rate in London for buying sterling quoted by [AC’s] Bank PLC on the second working day preceding the date of actual payment.


Intellectual Property Rights

Subject to the pre-existing rights of any third party in its own intellectual property Aylsham Candles is the absolute legal and beneficial owner of the entire copyright and all other right title and interest of whatsoever nature throughout the world in the design, methodology and visual appearance of its products and any such rights arising from any associated services, including without limitation all work of authorship, audio-visual productions, plans, rough designs, patterns, sketches, proofs, finished designs in all media, computer-generated material, models, reports, artwork and presentation visuals and any reproductions in whole or in part (“IPR”). Aylsham’s Candle’s candle products are produced according to our own tried and tested confidential formula which forms part of IPR.

All intellectual property rights relating to Aylsham Candle’s own brand and know-how and to manufacturing and service methods which we develop and/or use during and in the performance of our business shall belong to us and be comprised within IPR, insofar as they do not already belong to third parties, and unless agreed otherwise by us in writing.

All copyright and other rights in and to any domain, website and social media owned by or licensed to Aylsham Candles for its purposes and benefit are reserved to us and any use of such material by any other party, including by copying or storing it or other use in whole or part, other than for bona fide personal and non-commercial use is prohibited without our previously given permission.

The Customer shall not remove or change any indication or labels as to copyright, trademarks, trade names or other intellectual property rights indicated on the products or packaging or repackage or resell any of our products other by prior agreement with us.

Work commissioned by us from third parties including without limitation photography, film work, illustration and models will remain the property and copyright of the originator and unless otherwise agreed with the originator may be used only for the purpose commissioned, and in the territories stipulated. Relevant third parties are normally identified by credit.


Confidentiality / Press & Media

The Agreement shall be and remain confidential as between the parties and subject to our [Privacy & Data Policy]. Confidentiality shall not apply in the case of information:

(a) in the public domain at the time of disclosure, or subsequently becomes part of the public domain, other than as a result of breach of the recipient of its obligations hereunder; or

(b) received by the recipient from a third-party exempt from any duty of confidentiality; or

(c) where the recipient can show documentary evidence that (i) such information was in its possession at the time of disclosure, and (ii) the recipient so advised the discloser immediately upon disclosure; or

(d) the recipient is compelled by court or government action pursuant to applicable law to disclose such information, provided, however, that the recipient gives the discloser prompt notice thereof so that the discloser may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy, and further provided that in the event that such protective order or other remedy is not obtained, the recipient shall furnish only that portion of the confidential information which is legally required, and shall exercise all efforts required to obtain confidential treatment for such information

All media releases public announcements and public disclosures by either party relating to this Agreement, the parties to it, or its subject matter including promotional or marketing material in so far as featuring our products shall be coordinated with the other party and approved jointly by the parties prior to release.


Limitation of Liability

Other than in the case of personal injury and death and to the extent permitted by law under no circumstances will Aylsham Candles be liable to the Customer for any losses or damage including loss of profit or of contracts or for any consequential or economic loss or damage and in any event Aylsham Candles’ liability shall never be greater than the relevant order amount paid to it (exclusive of expenses and costs and any fee thereon) in respect of the relevant specific order.

Aylsham Candles will not have any liability for any delay or for the consequences of any delay in performing any of its obligations to the Customer if such delay results from Force Majeure (including, for example, war, mobilization, civil commotion, flood, closed shipping, transport gridlocks, delays, restrictions or the halt in the supply by public utility companies, lack of means of generating energy, fire, cave-ins/collapse, subsidence, explosions, machine breakdowns and other accidents, strike action, lockouts, trade union action, export restrictions, pandemics, lightning strikes, other government measures, non-delivery of necessary materials (and/or semi-finished products) and/or services which are necessary for the production, either by the government or by third parties, intentional act or gross negligence on the part of auxiliary persons, and other similar circumstances) or is otherwise due to a cause or circumstances beyond our reasonable or effective control .

If Aylsham Candles has agreed expressly a strict delivery deadline with the Customer, and is faced with temporary delays in such delivery as set out herein, then we shall be entitled to extend the delivery period by the duration of the delay. Such extension shall not constitute any failure in Aylsham Candles’ performance, and the contracting party shall have no right to termination or compensation.

Details of Aylsham Candles’ public, supply and services liability and professional indemnity insurance cover may be provided upon request and where appropriate.

It is imperative that the Customer understands, and it is a condition of this Agreement, that the Customer must conduct risk assessment and apply all proper safety measures and procedures in connection with the Customer’s use of our products and that Aylsham Candles fulfils no role other than as a supplier of goods and only such services as may be specified by written confirmation by us. Without limitation, this requires the Customer to be in a position to prove the making of such risk assessments, and taking of necessary measures and procedures, including specific to the use of our products in connection with any public or private event, which amounts to more than domestic personal use.


Warranties and Indemnity

Each party warrants to the other that it will not breach the terms of this Agreement or the copyright, design right, trademark, patent, other intellectual property or any other rights of any third party and agrees to indemnify the other party against any and all damage harm loss of reputation and goodwill costs claims and expenses (including reasonably incurred and reasonable legal and professional) incurred by or caused as a result of any claim by any party alleging any breach, infringement or abuse of such rights.

The Customer will not engage in any future use of the IPR or any derivation therefrom in further or alternative realizations without the prior written approval of Aylsham Candles and in no circumstances shall any party other than Aylsham Candles engage in the supply of our goods or services (other than in the case of an authorized reseller on agreed trade terms).


Termination / Account Closure

We reserve the right to terminate by notice dealings with any Customer who breaches this Agreement, or abuses or infringes our [Privacy & Data Policy] or whom we otherwise have reason to believe to be engaging in unlawful or improper activities or illicit use of our resources. Any of these eventualities will involve closing of the relevant Customer’s account.

The Customer may close the Customer account at any time by notice.

Termination is without prejudice to other remedies and claims and to any statutory or regulatory reporting obligations.



This can be given by e-mail to the specified publicly notified e-mail address of Aylsham Candles and to the Customer’s primary account email address and other email addresses notified to the account from time to time. Notice will be deemed given at the time specified in any bona fide and honestly relied on independent verification of delivery.


Law / Jurisdiction / Dispute Resolution

The Agreement and any and all matters arising from or in connection with it shall be exclusively governed by subject to and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales the courts of which shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction. No party to the Agreement shall seek recourse to the law or any formal process including action through legal or professional representatives without first engaging in bona attempts at dispute resolution through mediation under the auspices and guidance of a professional body nominated by Aylsham Candles.